Symposium Interventies bij congenitale hartziekten, met live cases
Donderdag 21 november
08.30 - 09.00 | Welcome and registration | |
Morning: Complex Interventions, or interventions in complex patients? |
Chair: LUMC / AUMC; discussants UMCU/UMCG | ||
09.00 - 09.10 | Opening, presenting “DE ALLIANTIE” | |
09.10 - 09.20 | Live-case PFO-like ASD or ASD-like PFO intro (TEAM AUMC/UMCG) | |
09:20 - 09.35 | Lecture: Interventional imaging in congenital heart disease (B.J. Bouma) | |
09.35 - 10.30 | Live-case PFO-like ASD or ASD-like PFO cont. (TEAM AUMC/UMCG) | |
10.30 - 11.00 | Morning break / visit industry stands | |
Chair: AUMC / UMCU; discussants LUMC/UMCG | ||
11.00 - 11.10 | Live case CoA intervention intro and MDO (TEAM LUMC/UMCU) | |
11.10 - 11.30 | Lecture: Coarctation stenting, when to refer for treatment (TBD) | |
11.30 - 12.00 | Live case CoA intervention cont. (TEAM LUMC/UMCU) | |
12.00 - 12.25 | Lecture: PEARS, Ross-PEARS, an update (Dave Koolbergen) | |
12.25 - 12.30 | Wrap-up live cases on camera | |
12.30 - 13.15 | Lunch / Visit industry stands | |
Afternoon: Adult Congenital Heart Disease Interventions; life-time horizon | ||
Chair: LUMC / UMCG; discussants UMCU / AUMC | ||
13.15 - 13.25 | Live-case: PPVI Intro and MDO (TEAM AUMC/LUMC) | |
13.25 - 13.40 | Lecture: PPVI, Melody, Edwards, Venus-P, Harmony? (Stanimir Georgieva) | |
13.40 - 14.45 | Live-case AMC PPVI cont. (TEAM AUMC/LUMC) | |
14.45 - 15.15 | Afternoon break / Visit industry stands | |
Chair: UMCU / LUMC; discussants AUMC/UMCG | ||
15.15 - 15.30 | Live-case: Closure of collaterals Intro and MDO (TEAM AUMC/UMCU/LUMC) | |
15.30 - 16.00 | Live-case: Closure of collaterals cont. (TEAM AUMC/UMCU/LUMC) | |
16.00 - 16.50 | Lecture: Percutaneous closure of sinus venosus ASDs, state of the art (Alex Kempny) | |
16.50 - 17.00 | Wrap-up live cases on camera | |
17.00 - 18.00 | Networkdrinks |