
Symposium Interventies bij congenitale hartziekten, met live cases
Donderdag 21 november 

AUMC: prof. dr. R.J. de Winter, dr. M.A. Beijk, dr. B. Straver
UMCG: dr. E. Hoendermis, dr. B. Zwart, dr. H. Nijenhuis
LUMC: prof. dr. N.A. Blom, dr. A.D. Egorova, dr. F. van der Kley
UMCU: dr. M. Voskuil, dr. M. Dickinson

International guest faculty:
Prof. dr. Alexander Kempny, Royal Brompton, London UK
Dr. Stanimir Georgiev, Deutches Herz Centrum, München, Germany

08.30 - 09.00                   Welcome and registration

Morning: Complex Interventions, or interventions in complex patients?

    Chair: Rob de Winter, Anastasia Egorova. Panel: Bastiaan Zwart, Michael Dickinson.
09.00 - 09.10   Opening, presenting “Netwerk Aangeboren Hartafwijkingen”
Hans van Goudoever
09.10 - 09.20   Live-case: PFO-like ASD or ASD-like PFO intro and MDO
Elke Hoendermis and Marcel Beijk
09:20 - 09.35   Lecture: Interventional imaging in congenital heart disease 
Berto Bouma
 09.35 - 10.30   Live-case: PFO-like ASD or ASD-like PFO follow-up
Elke Hoendermis and Marcel Beijk
10.30 - 11.00    Morning break / visit industry stands
    Chair: Hessel Nijenhuis, Danïelle Robbers-Visser. Panel: Gertjan Sieswerda, Monique Jongbloed.
11.00 - 11.10   Taped case: CoA intervention intro and MDO
Michiel Voskuil and Frank van der Kley
11.10 - 11.30   Lecture: Considerations when referring for percutaneous CoA treatment
Michael Dickinson
11.30 - 12.00   Taped case: CoA intervention follow-up
Michiel Voskuil and Frank van der Kley
12.00 - 12.30   Lecture: PEARS & Ross-PEARS live in a box
Dave Koolbergen
12.30 - 13.15   Lunch / Visit industry stands

Afternoon: Adult Congenital Heart Disease Interventions; life-time horizon

    Chair: Frank van der Kley, Elke Hoendermis. Panel: Bart Straver, Heleen van der Zwaan, Gert van den Berg
13.15 - 13.25   Live-case: PPVI Intro and MDO
Rob de Winter, Marcel Beijk
13.25 - 13.40   Lecture: The best percutaneous fit: PPVI, Melody, Edwards, Venus-P, Harmony?
Stanimir Georgiev
13.40 - 14.45   Live-case: PPVI follow-up
Rob de Winter and Marcel Beijk
14.45 - 15.15    Afternoon break / Visit industry stands
    Chair: Bastiaan Zwart, Philippine Kiès. Panel: Maik Grundeken, Nico Blom, Michiel Voskuil.
15.15 - 15.30   Live-case: Closure of collaterals Intro and MDO
Bart Straver, Michael Dickenson and Marcel Beijk
15.30 - 16.00   Live-case: Closure of collaterals follow-up
Bart Straver, Michael Dickenson and Marcel Beijk
16.00 - 16.50   Lecture: Percutaneous closure of sinus venosus ASDs, state of the art
Alex Kempny
16.50 - 17.00   Wrap-up live cases on camera
17.00 - 18.00   Networkdrinks